A nuestro tiempo, 2018
16mm película b&n
06:20 min
Cortometraje de apropiación que usa imágenes del documental “El Grito” (México, 1968). El movimiento estudiantil de 1968 en México termina con un crimen de Estado que a la fecha sigue impune. Las imágenes degradadas de "A nuestro tiempo" son una reflexión sobre las viejas heridas aún abiertas, el pasado que define y reafirma el creciente estado de violencia e impunidad en México.
Closer to our time, 2018
16mm film b&w
06:20 min
Found footage film that uses images from the documentary “El Grito” (Mexico, 1968). The student movement of 1968 in Mexico ends with a crime of State that until this day is still unpunished. The degraded images of “Closer to our time” reflect on the old wounds that are still open: the past that defines and reaffirms the crescent state of violence an impunity in Mexico.
The Sound We See: A Mexico City Symphony, 2017
16mm film b&w
33 min
"The Sound We See: A Mexico City Symphony" was shot over one 24-hour period in Mexico City and processed by hand over two days at Laboratorio Experimental de Cine (LEC). The premiere with live soundtrack was held at Museo Tamayo on January 20, 2017.
Filmmakers: Naomi Uman, “Morris” Manuel Trujillo, TzuTzu Matzin, Elena Pardo, Derek Badillo, Pedro Modenando, Gregorio Rocha, Ernesto Baca, Andrés Pardo, Andrés Pulido, Annalisa D. Quagliata, José Antonio Cordero, Amaranta Sánchez, Maria Rojas, Sejen Luna, Daniel Valdés, Rafael Balboa, Dalia Huerta, Ivonne Fuentes, Ivan Avila, Jael Jacobo, Magali Montero and Andrés Jurado
Sound: Ezequiel Guido, Carlos Alegre, Fernando Vigueras Telecine: Kinolab-Colombia
Ñores (sin señalar), 2016
16mm película b&n
02:44 min
"Ñores (sin señalar)" ilustra a México como un país donde los que señalan y denuncian la corrupción e impunidad son silenciados. El foco central es el asesinato del periodista Rubén Espinosa, icónico acontecimiento que ejemplifica la creciente violencia en el estado de Veracruz. El uso de película b&n le da un aspecto de otra época: Puede que el contexto de violencia e injusticia sean actuales pero los problemas parecen los mismos de antes, como una vieja historia que se repite una y otra vez.
Misters (without blame), 2016
16mm film b&w
02:44 min
"Misters (without blame)” illustrates Mexico as a country where the ones pointing to and denouncing the corruption and impunity are silenced. The main focus of the piece is the murder of reporter Rubén Espinosa, an iconic event that exemplifies the growing violence in the state of Veracruz. The use of b&w film gives it the look of another era: The context of violence and injustice are current but the issues seem to be the same as before, like an old story that repeats over and over again.
Calypso, 2016
16mm film b&w, color
05:11 min
Inspired by Homer's Odyssey, the film creates a queer reinterpretation of the nymph Calypso who traps Odysseus on her island. This intimate and sensuous rendition unveils the characters' emotional states through subtle gestures and contemplative portraits, delving into feelings of love, longing and abandonment.
Calypso, 2016
16mm película b&n, color
05:11 min
Inspirada por la Odisea de Homero, esta película crea una reinterpretación queer de la ninfa Calypso, que atrapa a Odiseo en su Isla. Esta interpretación íntima y sensual revela los estados emocionales de los personajes a través de gestos sutiles y retratos contemplativos, ahondando en sentimientos de amor, anhelo y abandono.
16mm película b&n
02:33 min
"FIN ES UNA PELICULA MEXICANA" es un cortometraje de reapropiación que subvierte la romántica historia de "Dos monjes" (1934) enfocandose en la protagonista que es asesinada. La constante agresión masculina y la aguerrida defensa de la protagonista resuenan con los problemas de violencia y feminicidio que corroe la realidad de México y Latinoamérica. Dos historias en una: los hombres que ponen fin a la vida de miles de mujeres y las mujeres que luchan por poner fin a esa terrible historia.
16mm film b&w
02:33 min
“THE END A MEXICAN MOVIE” is a short film that reappropriates and subverts the romantic story of "Two monks" (1934) focusing on the female protagonist that is murdered. The constant masculine aggression and her bold defense resonate with the issues of violence and femicide still corroding Mexico and Latinamerica. Two stories in one: Men putting an end to thousands of women's lives and women fighting to put an end to that terrible history.
imago, 2015
Video, 16mm film color
10:24 min
Imago is a multidisciplinary work of art that incorporates sculpture and performance to create a video installation. The piece is an exploration of materials, forms, and actions that construct a cinematographic narrative. The film illustrates an artist casting the body of a woman and building her tomb within a gallery. This is represented by the interaction of the lead performer with a sculptural installation composed of hundreds of plaster casts: fragmented body parts of the female performer. The piece focuses on the attempt to overcome mortality through art. In the words of Bazin, art seeks “the preservation of life by a representation of life.” Death, ritual and transcendence are the underlying themes that construct this surreal narrative.
SE BUSCA, 2016
16mm película b&n y cianotipia.
Un cortometraje que ilustra una verdad desgarradora: el número de mujeres desaparecidas en México. La película esta compuesta de cincuenta imágenes de mujeres desaparecidas, todas ellas fueron re-fotografiadas de su anuncio “se busca.”
16mm film b&w and cyanotype.
A short film that illustrates a harrowing truth: the overwhelming numbers of missing women in Mexico. The film is composed of fifty images of disappeared women, all of them re-photographed from their “missing person” notice.